Friday, January 9, 2009

Have you ever wondered?

  1. If swimming is a good exerciseto stay fit, why whales are fat?
  2. Why is the place in a stadium where people sit, called a STAND?
  3. Why everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die!
  4. Can we say that there is racial discrimination in chess as the white piece is moved first!
  5. If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
  6. Why doesn't glue stick to its bottle?
  7. Why do you still call it building when its already built?
  8. If you are not supposed to drink & drive then why do bars have parking slots?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Whom to blame for your bad luck??

It is common to hear people saying, "it all happens because of bad luck!" or "why i am so unlucky?" or "why GOD is doing all this to me!". Have you ever thought about that "who or what makes your luck good or bad" or "who decides your destiny". The answer is very simple. It's you or your deeds which decides your luck that it is going to be good or bad. I can tell you one real story in this context. I forgot the real names of the persons in the story. So, let's take their names as Ram & Sham.

A long time ago, in a village there lived two friends Ram & Sham. Ram was very kind & loyal person & used to help others in need & he was poor & living a tough life. On the other side, sham was very cunning & selfish & he was rich & living life with ease. Once Sham found a vessel of gold coins in the forest. When Ram came to know this, he got upset. He started thinking that why it is so because he was very good person & living a tough life & Sham was a bad guy but he was living a very good life. He was passing through the forest at that time & he was so upset & roaming in his thoughts that he could not see a pit in his way & fell down in the pit & got some serious injuries & due to that, he laid down on the bed for two months. This incident frustrated him further. He was totally restless. One day he came to know that a saint had visited their village. So, he decided to meet him. When he met with the saint & told him the whole story. The saint observed him closely & moved through his previous lives(reborn theory) & Sham's previous lives. After that he smiled & said,"According to Sham's previous lives, he should have been the king of this place but his present life's deeds changed his luck & his reward reduced to a vessel of gold coins. & you, according to your previous lives, you should have been executed by now but your present life's deeds saved you from the capital punishment & reduced your punishment to some injuries only." Saint's words satisfied him & gave peace to his mind.

This concludes that "It's only & only you which makes your luck good or bad". So, Be good & do good. Because whatever you do, you will be paid for that. & don't blame anybody for your bad luck.

Happy New Year..........